Hotel Fun
Styaing at the Landmark has a very special perk, in that there ‘big’ pool is heated and so I can comfortably swim with the kids. Tuesday, while I was chasing appointments (actually, receiving yet another Dilaudid injection at the TBHSC and an appointment with rheumatologist, Dr. Roddy) Lloyd took Emeraude swimming and they had a blast. Tuesday afternoon however, Lloyd has his hair dyed, with a chunk of purple put into his bangs and so he could not swim again during our trip.
Tuesday evening, Emeraude & I went to swim, the big pool was too cold and so we had to stick in the hot tub (I forgot to bring her lifejacket which would have made it possible for her to go in the big pool as long as I sat close by) but Wednesday morning…
Wednesday morning the big pool was still a challenge for me to get into but definetely not painful like a regular cold ‘big’ pool would be. Emeraude played on the slides, we fooled around floating and practicing her ‘doggy-paddle’ it was AWESOME. Lloyd was nice enough to take a ton of photos for us which was an added bonus :).
The hot tub was uncomfortable at first, so hot. People with multiple sclerosis generally have to be careful with anything that raises their body temperature. This is something of a paradox as heat helps me manage the pain in my legs, so… Once I was in, although it hurt at first (very painful pins and needles, much more pronouced and sharper then the kind of pins & needles you might feel when your foot falls asleep) and my skin felt very uncomfortable, the heat went deep to make the pain back off somewhat or as they describe it in hospitals it ‘took the edge off’ of the pain.
It was great to have the opportunity to swim with Emeraude, I was a little dissapointed that Lloyd & I didn’t have a chance to swim together but at least he came with us anyways. I’m already looking forward to our next opportunity to get into a pool and plan to have Marathon’s Port Hole pool schedule faxed to me :).