Homeschool 03.13.09 Aquarium Craft

I was inspired this Friday morning when picking up Emeraude from Nursery School to attempt this craft. Nikki, her N.School teacher was kind enough to spare some blue cellophane which really is a nice touch. Emeraude had made other water themed crafts at school that morning which included a sensory aquarium which is a ziplock bag filled with blue hair gel +sparkles and has foam fish inside it – she loves it and is still enjoying it some days later.

So, here is our ‘aquarium’ inspired by the one we saw which had been made by a child earlier in the week at Manitouwadge Nursery School…

What you need:aquariumzoom

  • 2 paper plates
  • cellophane (blue is best)
  • glue
  • scisors (and adult cutting tool)
  • something to create your fish from (we used shiny paper, pompoms, pipe cleaners, google eyes thanks again Nonnie Keri, feathers
  • thread to hang some of the fish from
  • pencil

What you do:

·          Cut the bottom out of one of the plates (I used an exacto on a cutting mat and it worked well)

·          Cut a piece of cellophane just a bit larger than the whole and glue it on as a window

·          Take the other plate and decorate it like an aquarium

o          we created ‘weeds’ out of pipe cleaners and feathers

o          Emeraude shaped a pipe cleaner into an big lower case ‘e’);

·          Make aquatic creatures which can be either glued to the plate or hung from thread. We hung the fish but glued our octopus and this made it look more interesting and gave it depth

o          Emeraude made an octopus from a pompom+google eyes+pipe cleaner for legs

o          She traced fish on shiny paper with the help of cookie cutters then I cut them out and she added google eyes

·          If you created any creatures to be hung, do so now. We taped the thread at the top of the plate so it would not be seen once the plates were glued together

·          Put glue around the entire circumference of one of the plates and then put the two together. Depending on your glue you may want to hold them together for a while to ensure proper adhesion

·          Using an exacto you can slice a small point into the back of the aquarium for hanging it on the wall.


** The photos really don’t do it justice as the ‘window’ is much clearer in person.

Emeraude poses proudly with her 'aquarium'

Emeraude poses proudly with her 'aquarium'

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