MS.Jan.04 Treatment Day 3

I was woken up by Lloyd this morning, poached eggs in hand

and I couldn’t have been more appreciative of his efforts! Emeraude had offered to accompany me to my treatment last night at bedtime and so he had already fed her some breakfast as well.  I worked at getting the two of us ready as we anticipated Grandpapa coming to pick us up.

I scored the observation (tv/tray/comfy) room and Emeraude & I started setting up our crayons & Chirp magazine we had brought along. We never did end up taking advantage of the television but the obs room still offered alot more room (and less of a walk to the kitchenette) for us which was much appreciated.  I was thrilled to arrive to my favourite nurse on duty and she had me plugged into my solumedrol before we knew it.  I also received a dilaudid injection hoping to make the pain in my legs/arms a bit more bearable and it worked out.

It was so nice having Emeraude there with me… We worked in her Chirp magazine, reading the stories, colouring, making a little gift box (that she gave to Dr. Crawford for his daughter, her friend) and going for snacks @ the kitchenette.

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